موضوعات أكاديمية
تم تصميم مناهجنا الدراسية بمهارة وعناية فائقة تحت إشراف مجموعة من الخبراء الذين قاموا باستخدام أفضل الأساليب المتبعة في تعليم مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة مع الحرض على تعزيز الهوية الوطنية والقيم الإسلامية, حيث يتلقى كل طفل اهتماما فرديا من معلمي الفصول الدراسية في دورات تلبي احتياجاته التعليمية.
What makes Dhahran Buds International School unique?
We are conveniently located at Salah al-Din Street, in the Al Hizam Al Thahabi area of Al Khobar.
Smaller student/teacher ratio
We are conveniently located at Salah al-Din Street, in the Al Hizam Al Thahabi area of Al Khobar.
Education Focus
Dhahran Buds entire focus is on Early Childhood Education (ECE) which focuses on the academic, social, and cognitive skills that develop in children from birth to preschool. This is a time when children learn critical social and emotional skills. It is here where the groundwork is laid for a child’s ongoing education.
Multicultural Environment
Dhahran Buds has a rich multicultural environment that appreciates the ideas, beliefs and cultures of people from different countries while adhering respectively to its Islamic and Arabic values.
Safe and comfortable surroundings
Health, safety, cleanliness, and nutrition are of utmost importance in early childhood education at Dhahran Buds.
Contact hours
Longer contact hours means we are always here for you and your child.